Saturday, December 11, 2021

Model Still Predicting, Even if not Blogging

December 11, 2021

With the appearance of 30 reported tornadoes last night in much of the Midwest, I blog that my model also seemed to predict tornadic activity.  (Maybe since Wednesday night I was receiving seriously diminished signals with the tornadoes appearing in the Midwest on Friday night.)  However, I’ve been occupied and unable to blog – if anyone other than myself even cares to read such writings.  Nevertheless, my condolences to the families who lost family and friends last night. 

Adam Trotter


Saturday, October 9, 2021

Strong into Chaos


Over the last few days, the signals went from SD ruling the sky to SB and the Angels doing the same, and then back to SD.  Then the songs went away.  Only a virtual chaos seems to remain as of this evening.  Which all seems a bit contrary to what should have happened according to my model given typical air masses.  So maybe something odd is afoot?  Maybe, anyhow.

AVT (Oct. 8, 2021)


Unique graph in the link, check it out: