March 27th, 2015
Some have recently criticized and likened my tornado-prediction
theories to “…even when throwing darts at a wall in the dark, theoretically one
would still hit the dart board once and a while.” Well…, that might be true. However, it seems as though I may have hit
the proverbial ‘dart board’ target once again.
(See: “Oklahoma cleans up from
twisters that killed 1, injured 2 dozen,” at:
. See also: “Odd,” at:
.) I have long surmised that it
typically may take two days or so for the measured air mass to close-in on the
Heartland of the nation.
My sympathies and condolences to anyone affected or injured
by this storm.
For whatever it might be worth, it seems the signals have
returned to normal as of Thursday evening (3/26), anyhow.
So I must ask, merely because one cannot display a causal
connection/link in concrete form, does that make a correlation which is correct
at least once in a while an incorrect correlation in and of itself? Who is to say any such correlation is
erroneous when the critic offers no concrete or verified answers of their own
to the contrary?
Oklahoma Tornadoes Kill 1: Residents Begin Long Cleanup in
Sand Springs, Moore
VIDEO: Deadly Night Of Tornadoes in Oklahoma